عرض المشاركات من مايو, ٢٠١٠

Chief Engineer (C/E)

C/E is in-charge of engine department, he reports to the Master (day-to-day activities) and to Technical Manager � Comapany (technical activities). Responsibilities � 1.…

قراءة المزيد

Second Engineer (2/E)

2/E reports to the C/E. In absence of C/E, 2/E may be required to officiate as C/E, subject to prior approval from DPA. Responsibilities � 1. Keep the 4 o�clock � 8 o�cl…

قراءة المزيد

Third Engineer (3/E)

3/E reports to the C/E (through 2/E). In absence of 2/E, 3/E may be required to officiate as 2/E, subject to prior approval from DPA. Responsibilities � 1. Keep the 12 …

قراءة المزيد

Fourth Engineer (4/E)

4/E reports to the C/E (through 2/E). In absence of 3/E, 4/E may be required to officiate as 3/E, subject to prior approval from DPA. Responsibilities � 1. Keep the 8 o…

قراءة المزيد

Cadets (Engine Department)

Engine cadets report to C/E (through engineers). Responsibilities - 1. Perform duties as assigned by seniors. 2. Learn various aspects of vessel operations.

قراءة المزيد

Electrical Engineer (E/Engr)

E/Engr reports to the C/E. Responsibilities � 1. Maintain electrical and electronic systems onboard the vessel such as � a. Main alternators and switchboards b. Electric…

قراءة المزيد


Fitter reports to C/E (through engineers) Responsibilities � 1. Perform maintenance jobs assigned by 2/E or 3/E. 2. Fabricate pipes (as required) and rectify leakage (ma…

قراءة المزيد


Oiler reports to C/E (through 2/E) Responsibilities � 1. Perform duties as assigned by 2/E. 2. If holding required certificate of competency, maintain watch as assigned …

قراءة المزيد

Authority and Responsibility: Master

Master has complete authority of the vessel under his command. Company has given Master overriding authority to enable him take necessary actions for safety of crew, ves…

قراءة المزيد

Chief Officer (C/O)

C/O is in-charge of deck department, he reports to the Master. In absence of Master or in case the Master is incapacitated, C/O may be required to take temporary comman…

قراءة المزيد

Second Officer (2/O)

? 2/O reports to the Master (through C/O). ? In absence of C/O, 2/O may be required to officiate as C/O, subject to prior approval from DPA. ? Perform duties as Medical …

قراءة المزيد

Third Officer (3/O)

3/O reports to the Master (through C/O). In absence of 2/O, 3/O may be required to officiate as 2/O, subject to prior approval from DPA. Responsibilities - 1. Keep the 8…

قراءة المزيد


Bosun reports to the C/O. Responsibilities � 1. Assist C/O in operations and maintenance planning. 2. Assist C/O during mooring/unmooring, anchoring related and warping …

قراءة المزيد


Cook reports to the Master (through Welfare Officer). Responsibilities � 1. Prepare weekly menu (as discussed in Welfare Committee Meeting) and accordingly arrange for p…

قراءة المزيد

Medical Officer

2/O holds additional responsibility of Medical Officer. Responsibilities � 1. Give medical aid to sick personnel onboard. 2. Inform Master if any crew requires shore med…

قراءة المزيد

Ship Security Officer (SSO)

Ship Security Officer (SSO) Radio Officer (R/O) R/O reports to the Master. Communication equipments are under direct authority of the Master, R/O must act only in accord…

قراءة المزيد

Safety Officer

Safety Officer is appointed by the Master. Responsibilities � 1. Control and record all safety and anti-pollution exercises in accordance with statutory regulations and …

قراءة المزيد

Welfare Officer

Welfare Officer is appointed by the Master. Responsibilities � 1. Assist C/O in ensuring cleanliness in accommodation spaces (includes passageways, mess-rooms, recreatio…

قراءة المزيد


A/B reports to the Bosun. Responsibilities � 1. Steer the vessel as instructed by the Master. 2. Assist Officer-On-Watch during watch. 3. Perform duties as assigned by …

قراءة المزيد


O/S reports to the Bosun. Responsibilities � 1. Assist Officer-On-Watch during watch. 2. Perform duties as assigned by Bosun/Officers. 3. Perform other duties as assigne…

قراءة المزيد
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